1. We select a non-profit to support.
We like to support causes that take a hands-on approach to helping others. We believe in stewarding money for the sake of uplifting communities sustainably.
2. We work with an emerging artist to design a sticker.
We believe that generosity is not just about financial means, it’s also about time!
Are you an artist that wants to be generous with their time?
Let us know!
3. Our community and friends support the campaign, together, by giving from the heart when getting a sticker.
Instead of charging a certain price for a sticker, we want you to give from the heart. That’s more important than any dollar amount.
100% of profits* are donated to the nonprofit.
We send them a check after the campaign closes. Let’s add fuel to the awesome work they are already doing! #GenerousGeneration
*profits are defined as all the net profit of all money raised with a deducted flat fee that goes towards upkeeping our online platform and services.
How much should I pay for a sticker?
You get to choose! That’s the beauty of Generous Generation. Whether it’s $1 or $100, what’s important to us the your heart when you give.
Is the amount genuine with the people it’s going toward in mind?
If yes, then you’re good to go! If not, we encourage you to make space to pause and reflect and give from the heart :)!
We care more about your heart than your money because we believe that if we can be generous when we have little, we can be generous when we have much. Here’s to building our generosity muscles!
Where do you ship?
We only ship within the United States. We’re working on being able to ship internationally!
How do we know how much was donated to the nonprofits?
We believe in good stewardship and transparency. We will publish impact reports every 6 months to see the tangible effects of our community’s generosity as well as the total amount raised per campaign on Instagram.
Are you a 501(c)(3)?
We’re currently in the prototype stage of Generous Generation. While we are not a 501(c)(3) now, we have plans to work on this in 2021!